Well, here we are again. This week's letter is 'T' and the subjects are Tasty; Tiny; Terrifying and lastly from our quilting room - Threads.
At first I thought, great a letter that should be easy to work with. No such thing. I actually found it hard to correlate this with the subjects and the letter T. A few things came to mind, but I thought they were really dull. I needed to get the thinking cap on.
Tasty - this should be easy shouldn't it? I ended up going back to my childhood and one of the most delectable and tasty things I was only allowed on special occasions was the 'Toffee Apple". It was a special treat when we went to the Melbourne Agricultural Show.
And who could resist these decadent ones - with chocolate nuts and Smarties. Yum.
Tiny - I was going to show you my Thimble collection, but, they're small not tiny. I even had a photo, then remembered I posted one on the blog a couple of years ago.
Getting the grey matter in my head to work and stepping outside the square once again, I've gone with........ta da.......Tiny Tim. An icon of music in the 70s & 80s.

Terrifying - there are a number of things I find frightening like a tornedo, tarantula spider, huge trucks that tailgate you on the highway, frightening but not necessarily terrifying. But there is one specimen on our planet that I truly find terrifying - snakes - and one of the most deadly, and is common in my state Victoria, is the Tiger Snake. These snakes love to hide in your wood pile or any other type of rubbish pile you might have on your property. They are also found in the suburbs as they are attracted to the family chook pen and also the backyard pond, especially if you have frogs.
This is the most least frightening pic I could find of a Tiger Snake. Some specimens like the one above - a King Island Tiger Snake - don't actually have distinctive stripes and can be mistaken for the Common Brown snake which is also venomous.
Threads. Threads come in all sorts of colours and types - but a thread that starts with 'T'. Umm.
So here is a photo of a collection of Threads - my Trash. Yes, my stash of trash! Ever since I started to dabble in a bit of art quilting and making ATCs and Postcards I have collected my stash that I cut off after sewing. I know, you think I'm a tad mad but when these are sewn down onto a wash-away stabiliser you can actually make some beautiful lacy fabric and use it to embellish you work with.
Dear readers, that is it for another fortnight, please go to Cinzia's blog and check out the other Scatterdayers. I hope you are all enjoying this
'Thread' of interesting postings. Why, didn't I think of this before typing, but how would I find a photo.......
Till next time, take care,