Well here we are. The next posting for Scatterdays. This week the letter is 'R'. Our categories are; mammal, technology, transport, and something Red from the sewing room.
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer |
This activity is certainly testing my brain, but it's good fun.
Mammal - I can think of quite a few that begin with 'R', BUT how do I get to photograph them, unless I make a trip to the Zoo! So, I thought, think Joy.....I decided to go outside the square - and here is my 'R' mammal - OK, deers don't start with R but they are mammals and Rudolph would be the most famous of them all.
Then we come to
technology - I'm not a techno person, so here I was stumbling again. We have come so far with technology it is difficult to know where to begin looking. I decided to go back in history with this one and then come straight to the modern day with a photo from my trip to the US in Nov 2009 - NASA in Houston. Consequently two photos for technology - one 'olden days' and one 'modern days'.
How many of us remember the original Radio. What an invention this was!!! Families would sit around together after dinner and listen to the serials and the news. Dad didn't have to read the paper! It always took pride of place in our lounge rooms, similar to the large interactive TVs of today.
Now up to the fantastic
technology of today. We have these things called computers - no need to have them wired in. We can talk to our friends through all types of media and send messages, keep in touch, read books, and kids can do their homework on them.
But none of these begin with 'R'.
Rockets do. These two are in a fenced off area at NASA and are huge structures. The building in the background is 3 stories high, so imagine the height of these two Rockets. We saw these as part of the tour of the facility.
Next we have
transport - again I go back in history - the old train that was commonly known as The Red Rattler, and Rattle it did! I used to catch this train everyday as a young lady when I worked in the city, jammed in with the other commuters. Ah, the memories of those journeys.
Last -
Red from the sewing room. This I have plenty of, but thought I would take a pic of my Red Sewing Basket that I take with me when going to my local group or guild. It has everything I need in it, my sewing and supplies; and most importantly my Red mug for coffee. My needles and threads are also in a Red container!
Well there we have it for this posting, don't forget to check the others by going to the link in the right hand side of this blog under Scatterday, Cinzia's blog and there you will find a listing of everyone who is participating.